Saturday, February 24, 2007

Liam @ 2 Months Old

Liam has grown heaps and bounds in the last couple weeks. Josh was home with us for 9 days and did a lot of talking with the baby. Liam has recently been all smiles. We seem to be entering a new phase with him, one that is much more enjoyable and a reward for the night feedings. He's cooing, gurgling and discovering new facial expressions everyday. It's been really fun watching Liam discover that he can coo and "talk" to us. We adore all the "oohs, aaahs, aaahh-gaa, and especially the urggurrlls". He is such a curious little baby and loves to look around, finding interest in everyday things that we wouldn't look twice at. I think Liam doesn't sleep that much because he doesn't want to miss anything! He sometimes goes for 10 hour stretches with no naps. The upside to this is that he is starting to sleep for longer stretches at night. The first month was hard but we are getting better at understanding what he needs and can comfort him before he gets too upset about anything. We generally know what he needs and wants so he seems very content. Not much crying unless he's hungry. Last week we took him to get his vaccines...3 shots in the chubby thighs and of course, Mommy cried too. We've had Liam out quite a bit for walks, shopping, and eating. Dinners with friends are fun and he seems to love the attention. Here is a photo of Liam in his new overalls and shoes...isn't he adorable! We went and bought him new clothes since he has already grown out of his old sleepers.

Future soccer star? These are my first pair of shoes!!!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Liam @ About 7 Weeks

I like to smile when I'm enjoying some sunshine on my face and Mommy and Daddy push me in my stroller. It's a sweet deal, I don't have to do any of the work. I've got them wrapped around my tiny fingers

I'm a future Columbia graduate says my Auntie Ree!!!
Just hangin' on the sofa as Mommy and Daddy watch that thing called t.v.
What do you mean I failed Calculus?
Couch potato I am!!!
The bib says it all!
Watchu talkin about?
Any room left for me at Columbia University?
I love to sleep in my stroller whenever we go for a walk!
I've got Daddy doing whatever I want!!! HAHA!!!
Goodbye, I hope you visit me again soon someday!!!

Friday, February 9, 2007

Liam Hanging Out With Mommy

Liam feeding with Mommy. He is really starting to love the bottle. He can't seem to get enough!

Liam with his Chinese rattle.

The first day in pants. He will be Daddy's twin with those preppy cords!

So whatta ya think?

Hi there!!!

The ever curious Liam.


Will I see you again soon?

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Liam February 3, 2007

Sleeping in my stroller. It sure was cold outside!
With Grandma and Grandpa on my walk to get my passport photos taken at the plaza. It was really great having them come and visit me!

Hello Shanghai!!!
I can hold my bottle all by myself.

No, this is not bed head. I just had a bath and my hair stands up like this.